+420 224 818 214, +420 603 477 582, Šaldova 24, Praha 8 - Karlín  

Blood test

If you want to have your blood tested, you have to discuss it with a doctor first. The doctor will decide what tests need to be carried out. You can then be booked by our nurse for a test on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Blood is taken usually from 6.45am till 7.45 am in our surgery. If you want to have your blood taken somewhere else (e.g. at a laboratory), it’s no problem. But you would have to pick up the results there (or some laboratories can send it by post).

You must not eat for 12 hours before the blood test. Your supper on the night before should be light, without too much fat. You should not drink alcohol the night before. In the morning you can drink some water or tea, but without milk or sugar. Breakfast is not allowed. Exercise before the test is not recommended either. On the day of the test you are advised to come 5 minutes early and rest in the waiting room.

During the blood test you can sit or lie, as you wish. The blood is taken from a cubital vein or if this is impossible, from the vein in the back of the hand.

If there are some special parameters to be checked, which require a special regime, the doctor should inform you about what you need to do to prepare. For example, if you are taking thyroxin replacement hormones (such as Euthyrox or Letrox), these should be exceptionally be taken after the blood test.

Urine test

You don’t have to be booked for this examination. You just need to take a sample bottle from our nurse and bring a morning sample of urine to our surgery (on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 6.45am and 8 am).

The doctor can determine if there is blood, protein, crystals or infection in patient’s urine. There is no special process required for this test and this examination can be carried out even during the day in our surgery using a special diagnostic tool.

If the doctor wants to test for a particular pathogen in your urine (eg. if there is infection) and its sensitivity to certain antibiotics, then you have to bring a first morning urine sample in a sterile bottle (which the nurse will provide). A special process is required for taking this sample. You must wash first, pass the first flush of urine into the toilet and catch the middle part of the urine in the sample bottle (i.e. not the last part of the urine).